
The following exerpt is from Wolf Haley's Formspring 
honestly, was there any point when you doubted yourself and thought you wouldn't make it?

right now. somehow i always read hater ass comments and then think to myself like fuck, do i suck that bad, why the fuck do they hate me? they dont even.....then i stop caring. im always gonna make the music i want and do what i want no matter what anyone says, but, its a whole different world man. imagine being a kid with a group of friends just skating and making music and having fun, and then being pushed into a world where everything you have always thought, done and said is now under a microscope. then being one of the most popular people ever, then going to one of you favorite sites one day, and its a 500 page thread about on how much everyone fucking hates you because of how they cant get the fuckign camp cap that just fucking released. its not my fucking fault that shit sold out, ive been into this shit just like you, dont fucking blame me, dont be mad because theyve been fucking with me for years and you still have to pay for the shit, ive worked hard for what the fuck i got, and im just having fun and being myself, but these fucking critics dont get that. its all about acting famous and professional. some one said the coachella performance wasnt that good. i told him that, its was to me and the kids in the front. i guess they were expecting some other shit, idk, but, what they dont know is that i get on that stage and have fun performing my songs for the cult following kids that know all the lyrics, i can give a fuck less about the nigga who just heard yonkers or the magazine dude who just wants to see what the hype is about. they dont fucking get it, and when you are un familiar with something, you are quick to judge it. i dont let it faze my creativity at, but, when you are just getting negative bashing at one point, then the covers of magazines and getting your dick sucked by bitches and all this other shit, you kinda lose it. this shit is happening so fucking fast. i dont even have privacy anymore. them niggas flew to fucking the middle of no where, to stalk on a 17 year old kid, taking fucking pictures and all this other weird shit like, wtf? really? you dont fucking know him. saying we FOUND him, like i didnt know where the fuck my brother was. now muthafuckas are calling his moms peoples and doing all the scary ass stalker shit, all because complex wated some more traffic to the site, that they could respect the privacy of me, earl, his mom and odd future. when i say free earl, i say that so people dont forget about him, i say that, so, in spirit he can be at the sold out shows that we only dreamed of. i say that shit, so, i can put in the universe that he comes home again and we can do that shit we did. them muthafucks dont miss thebe, they miss earl sweatshirt, they miss the music, and im not saying thats a bad thing, im just saying they dont miss my best friend, they are missing a new album. i was so fucking pissed off when i seen that fucking stan type shit. child molesters do that shit, like, did they really fly to fgo spy on a kd that doesnt give a fuck about them? what the fuck. shit is weird not. every show we have had has sold out. like, wtf, this shit is still crazy to me. fuck. i dont know what im talking about. i have no one to talk to im typing this to let this shit out. sorry if i didnt answer your question.

you can read more about the "real" whereabouts of Earl in POTW's investigative piece
10:17 PM ChuckBasscot69: Okok. Why should I believe you?
10:19 PM LuperKid94: because im earl faggot!
meet me at tonys diner in riverside county in three days if you want to know the truth.
ChuckBasscot69: coolz
LuperKid94: tell no one. ur in grave danger."